Elizabeth Kubler-Ross would be proud
So I realized I've gone thru the Kubler-Ross 5 Stages of Death and Dying with my Evidence Exam. I don't entirely remember what order these were in, but I'm pretty sure this is how I went thru them:
1) DENIAL -- The first few days of the reading period, I read (as mentioned below) barely any of my notes, didn't outline and did approximately 1 CALI exercise. "My exam isn't even that close!" I thought.
2) ANGER -- I hate Evidence! I hate it! I hate hearsay, I hate character evidence and I especially hate privileges!!!! See Evidence Made Me Cry post, below. And thanks to Schteino for helping to tourniquet the bleeding (and the heaving, racking sobs).
3) BARGAINING -- If I can just study for 2 more hours, I can watch Survivor.
4) DEPRESSION -- I have no reason to even BE in law school. I'm stupid. I'll flunk this exam and never get a job and my professor will sit around the dinner table with his family, guffawing about how ridiculous my exam was. (Please, note, that I love my Evidence prof...and in fact have this totally weird teenage crush on him...and he would likely not guffaw when discussing me -- not because he has a crush on me, but because he's a kind person. But it's a recurring dream I have. So I thought it should go here).
5) ACCEPTANCE -- I will do the best I can do. And if I fail Evidence, oh well. Maybe Prof Evidence will teach it again next semester. And we can talk about interesting books and authors after class, some more.
In other news, I've eaten an entire bag of Rolo mini candies. Which I believe is 63 grams of fat in toto. I ate them over a 3-day period. But STILL! Yum.
1) DENIAL -- The first few days of the reading period, I read (as mentioned below) barely any of my notes, didn't outline and did approximately 1 CALI exercise. "My exam isn't even that close!" I thought.
2) ANGER -- I hate Evidence! I hate it! I hate hearsay, I hate character evidence and I especially hate privileges!!!! See Evidence Made Me Cry post, below. And thanks to Schteino for helping to tourniquet the bleeding (and the heaving, racking sobs).
3) BARGAINING -- If I can just study for 2 more hours, I can watch Survivor.
4) DEPRESSION -- I have no reason to even BE in law school. I'm stupid. I'll flunk this exam and never get a job and my professor will sit around the dinner table with his family, guffawing about how ridiculous my exam was. (Please, note, that I love my Evidence prof...and in fact have this totally weird teenage crush on him...and he would likely not guffaw when discussing me -- not because he has a crush on me, but because he's a kind person. But it's a recurring dream I have. So I thought it should go here).
5) ACCEPTANCE -- I will do the best I can do. And if I fail Evidence, oh well. Maybe Prof Evidence will teach it again next semester. And we can talk about interesting books and authors after class, some more.
In other news, I've eaten an entire bag of Rolo mini candies. Which I believe is 63 grams of fat in toto. I ate them over a 3-day period. But STILL! Yum.
I'm doing a speech on acceptance and i found your blog. i thought it was interesting. Thanx.
JellyBean, at 7:20 PM
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JellyBean, at 7:20 PM
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