Injustice for All

Monday, December 13, 2004

Ready as I'll ever be.

I studied all freakin day. I have my outline bound, tabbed (and gagged), my FRE tabbed and organasized and both my primary and back-up mechanical pencils filled with lead (like my brain).

Now I'm off to take a Lush-bombed bath and try to tire out from the Pepsi I had earlier.

I feel pretty OK about tomorrow but my tummy is doing flip-flops.
Think non-hearsay thoughts for me around 1:00 p.m. Pacific time tomorrow.


  • Good luck!

    I love mechanical pencils and Lush products. I love Lush a little more than the pencils, but still, mechanical pencils are cool. This may very well be the dumbest comment I've ever left anyone. It's 5 in the morning here, so remember that.

    Good luck again!

    By Blogger thehotlibrarian, at 5:26 AM  

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