Injustice for All

Monday, March 14, 2005

Spicy's Law

"When things are going poorly, just expect them to get much much worse." -- spycygrl, this morning, as she wiped up a puddle of cat vomit

I woke up with a stomach ache in addition to my allergies running rampant. Despite the fact that I felt like garbage, I rallied to go to Business Associations anyway.

Little did I know that the City of LA would have CLOSED the only major thoroughfare near my house for road construction. Brilliant -- 8:00 a.m. on a Monday morning and you CLOSE one of the biggest streets into downtown. Idiots.

The traffic was so bad on the side streets that I literally moved 1 block in 20 minutes. I decided to just come home (which still took 25 minutes). I wrote the Bureau of Street Services about their stupid road move (cc'ing the fabulous City Councilman, Eric Garcetti -- who may possibly hate me from all my "letters" about the community).

I had just gotten home when my cat projectile VOMITED onto her little sleeping box, a pile of magazines and a chair. This day sucks.

I'm going back to bed.


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