Injustice for All

Sunday, May 01, 2005


I am so BEAT TIRED right now.

I have been working on Business Associations for MOST of the day (except when I was talking to Sheridan on the phone for 2 hours!). I read thru all my notes and highlighted them and then printed out my friend Matt's outline from his class at Boston (removing the bits beforehand that we didn't cover in my class). I also tabbed my notes with all the rules (which I found really helpful in Evidence last year, just in case I couldn't find something in my outline). Now for the past 4 hours or so, I've been working on my outline. I'm only thru Week 5. Oof. There were 14 weeks of class. This is the exam which I have on Wednesday, so I actually have MOST of the day on Tuesday to finish this up. I need to return to old Ethical Lawyering, unfortunately, so I think my plan will be to wake up tomorrow and slog thru as much Bus Assoc as I can by about 2 p.m., then move over to Eth Law. Bus. Associations is my only Open Book final, so the key to that one is all about the outline and the fabulously tabbed notes and rule book (which I have done already).

I still have SO MANY MORE rules to learn for Eth Law. It is truly going to be the death of me. The good news is (a) it's multiple choice, (b) it's only 50% of my grade. But, on the other hand, we've done so much work for this class already, it should really be about a 5 unit course (rather than 3). Lame!

I will be glad when these first two finals are behind me (May 3rd and 4th). Then it will be all about Torts II and Crim Pro! WHEE! Won't that be a fun way to spend my birthday on the 6th? gah.


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